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2024, DIGITAL GOVERNMENT, Pages 1-10 (volume: 5)

Challenges in AI-supported Process Analysis in the Italian Judicial System: what After Digitalization? (01a Articolo in rivista)

Bianchini Devis, Bono Carlo, Campi Alessandro, Cappiello Cinzia, Ceri Stefano, DE LUZI Francesca, Mecella Massimo, Pernici Barbara, Plebani Pierluigi

In this commentary paper, we outline research challenges and possible directions for the potential applications of AI in the judicial domain by specifically considering process analysis in the Italian context. Applying AI to process analysis poses several challenges, including information extraction from legacy information systems and analysis of legal documents, process modeling with a particular emphasis on temporal analysis, real-time process monitoring, conformance and compliance checking, predictive techniques for accurate predictions, and analysis of judges’ workload. Solutions to these challenges include methods and tools for data identification and collection, innovative approaches to process modeling, reactive techniques for real-time monitoring, conformance checking with explainability, language models adapted to specific domains, and the identification of suitable indicators for the analysis of case handling efficiency and case classification.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma