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Modular curves with many points over finite fields (01a Articolo in rivista)

Dose Valerio, Lido Guido, Mercuri Pietro, Stirpe Claudio

We describe an algorithm to compute the number of points over finite fields on a broad class of modular curves: we consider quotients X_H /W for H a subgroup of GL2(Z/nZ) such that for each prime p dividing n, the subgroup H at p is either a Borel subgroup, a Cartan subgroup, or the normalizer of a Cartan subgroup of GL2(Z/peZ), and for W any subgroup of the Atkin-Lehner involutions of X_H . We applied our algorithm to more than ten thousand curves of genus up to 50, finding more than one hundred record-breaking curves, namely curves X/Fq with genus g that improve the previously known lower bound for the maximum number of points over Fq of a curve with genus g. As a key technical tool for our computations, we prove the generalization of Chen’s isogeny to all the Cartan modular curves of composite level.
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