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ALGADIMAR PRIN Project (ALgorithms, GAmes and DIgital MARkets)

data termine: 
September 2022
Istituzioni Italiane
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ALGADIMAR is a research project focused on the development of new methods and tools in research areas that are critical to the understanding of digital markets: algorithmic game theory, market and mechanism design, machine learning, algorithmic data analysis, optimization in strategic settings. We plan to apply these methods so as to solve fundamental algorithmic problems motivated by Internet advertisement, sharing economy, mechanism design for social good, security games. 
While our research is focused on foundational work, with rigorous design and analysis of algorithms, mechanisms and games, it will also include empirical validation on large-scale datasets from real-world applications.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma