Some results on optimal control applied to epidemics (public)
La dottoressa Daniela Iacoviello, vincitrice della procedura valutativa PA a n. 1 posto presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale "A. Ruberti", Settore Concorsuale 09/G1, SSD ING-INF/04 - codice concorso 2019PAR005, bandito con Decreto Rettorale 2236/2019 del 30.07.2019, i cui atti sono stati approvati con Decreto Rettorale n. 464/2020 del 06.02.2020, terrà presso questo dipartimento un seminario sulle attività di ricerca da lei svolte e in corso di svolgimento, come previsto dagli adempimenti richiesti per la chiamata da parte del Consiglio di dipartimento. Il seminario avrà luogo giovedì 13 febbraio 2020 alle ore 10:30 in Aula A7, DIAG, via Ariosto 25.
Some results on optimal control applied to epidemics
In this talk, I will present an overview of my research activities in the field of systems and optimal control theory and applications. Optimal control theory represents the suitable framework to face many problems of resources allocation in different fields, for example biomedical, telecommunications, mechanics, material sciences, aerospace and image analysis. It allows the determination of the best control strategy, taking into account different constraints in the control and/or in the state. Among my research activities, I will present some results about the optimal control problems with state dependent switching cost index; applications in the epidemic modeling and control theory will be discussed. Some results on singular solutions will be outlined and applied to a SIR model. Moreover, a recently proposed model on the human immunodeficiency virus will be presented, showing its properties and proposing an LQ control design. Finally, some applications of optimal control theory in different fields will be shown. An overview of on-going research activities and future developments will conclude the talk.