Tutorial on Embedded Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of hardware and software systems capable of providing computing units with capabilities that, to a human observer, seem to imitate humans’ cognitive abilities. It uses an assembly of nature-inspired computational methods to approximate complex real-world problems where mathematical or traditional modeling have proven ineffective or inaccurate. Artificial Intelligence uses an approximation of the way the human brain reasons, using inexact and incomplete knowledge to produce actions in an adaptive way, with experience built up over time.
ST has been actively involved in AI research topics, leading to the launch of its latest product in January 2019. The STM32 microcontroller portfolio now allows embedded developers to achieve unprecedented productivity. They can map and run pre-trained Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) thanks to the STM32Cube.AI extension pack, enabling AI on STM32 Arm® Cortex®-M-based MCUs.