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Seminario pubblico su "Control Problems in the Clean Energy Transition"

speaker DIAG: 
Data dell'evento: 
Tuesday, 6 July, 2021 - 09:30
Per partecipare connettersi a Zoom https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/82392909555?pwd=YXRSMis0bTA0VDBuMXpyN2dIdjZsUT09 ID riunione: 823 9290 9555 Passcode: 418503

The fight to climate change and environmental degradation demands a radical shift of paradigm and a transformation in many sectors of our society. The modernization of the energy and transportation sectors in particular is crucial in view of reaching a transition to a climate neutral economy by 2050 (a chief EU goal). The ongoing rapid transformations in these sectors, made possible by the widespread digitalization and the availability of new and cost-effective technologies (for distributed generation, storage, etc.) pose significant technological challenges. Automatic control plays a fundamental role in ensuring a safe, effective, and efficient clean energy transition. The aim of this seminar is to discuss different control problems relevant to the clean energy transition, focusing on: (i) safe and efficient smart grid control (demand side management, optimal power flow, and control of distributed energy resources), and (ii) control applications in the transportation sector (smart charging and control of service areas). 


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ID riunione: 823 9290 9555

Passcode: 418503

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