Febo Cincotti is Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering (ING-INF/06) at the Antonio Ruberti Department of Computer, control and management engineering, Sapienza University of Rome.
He holds MSc degree in Electronics Engineering (1998) and a PhD degree in Biophysics (2003). Between 2003 and 2011 he was research scientist at IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome (with team leader duties since 2009). Since 2011 he has a tenure position (assistant professor in 2011; associate professor in 2015) at the Sapienza University. He is also senior research scientist at the Neuroelectrical Imaging and Brain Computer Interface Laboratory of IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia. His scientific activity is generally framed in the methodological and applicative research on processing of neurophysiological signals and includes the development of direct Brain-Computer Interfaces for assistive and rehabilitation purposes.
He is considered an international expert in the field of Brain-Computer interfaces. He is co-author of 124 journal papers and 96 conference papers. His (Scopus) H-Index is 50. He has been principal investigator in 5 EU-funded projects, and coordinator of a national charity-funded project. He was also co-PI in 6 EU-funded projects, and participated to numerous international and national research projects. As expert in the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces, he was member of advisory board of a EU-funded project, opponent in PhD dissertations, and invited/keynote speaker in several international conferences. Since 2014 he holds the National Scientific Habilitation as Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering. He has been Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
He teaches in the MSc programs in Biomedical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, and Control Engineering (courses: Advanced Methods for Biomedical Data Analysis, 12 CFU; Biosignal Processing, 3 CFU; Neuroengineering, 3 CFU).
He is member of the board of the PhD programme in Control engineering, Bioengineering and Operations research at Sapienza University of Rome.
He was/is supervisor of more than 20 MSc theses and 4 PhD theses.
(last updated: november 2019)