I was an Artificial/Machine Learning Engineer with four and a half years of experience, where I specialized in designing, implementing, and optimizing various machine learning models at General Electric (GE). My work involved deep engagement with data science and its related fields, including Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Programming, all of which I found immensely stimulating and motivating.
Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Data Science at Department of Informatica, Automatica, and Gestionale (DIAG) , La Sapienza, Rome. Now in the second year of my PhD, I am conducting research under the supervision of Professor Fabrizio Silvestri. My research primarily focuses on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), particularly on enhancing their efficiency when dealing with graph data that suffer from limited and noisy labeling.
Beyond GNNs, my research also explores strategies for training models in the presence of noisy data, which includes developing robust models, techniques, and loss functions, as well as understanding how models learn in such environments. Additionally, I am interested in how overparameterized networks can be leveraged to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, which is another key area of my research.