Pubblicazioni di Becchetti Luca


Becchetti Luca, Clementi Andrea, Pasquale Francesco, Trevisan Luca, Vacus Robin, Ziccardi Isabella
The Minority Dynamics and the Power of Synchronicity. Proceedings of the 2024 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 2024: 4155-4176


Wang Xu-Wen, Madeddu Lorenzo, Spirohn Kerstin, Martini Leonardo, Fazzone Adriano, Becchetti Luca, Wytock Thomas P, Kovács István A, Balogh Olivér M, Benczik Bettina, Pétervári Mátyás, Ágg Bence, Ferdinandy Péter, Vulliard Loan, Menche Jörg, Colonnese Stefania, Petti Manuela, Scarano Gaetano, Cuomo Francesca, Hao Tong, Laval Florent, Willems Luc, Twizere Jean-Claude, Vidal Marc, Calderwood Michael A, Petrillo Enrico, Barabási Albert-László, Silverman Edwin K, Loscalzo Joseph, Velardi Paola, Liu Yang-Yu
Becchetti L., Clementi A., Pasquale F., Trevisan L., Ziccardi I.
Expansion and flooding in dynamic random networks with node churn. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS 2023: 61-101

Becchetti Luca, Bonifaci Vincenzo, Cruciani Emilio, Pasquale Francesco
On a Voter Model with Context-Dependent Opinion Adoption. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023: -

Becchetti Luca, Clementi Andrea, Korman Amos, Pasquale Francesco, Trevisan Luca, Vacus Robin
On the Role of Memory in Robust Opinion Dynamics. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023: -


Anagnostopoulos A., Becchetti L., Cruciani E., Pasquale F., Rizzo S.
Gentili Michele, Martini Leonardo, Sponziello Marialuisa, Becchetti Luca
Becchetti Luca, Clementi Andrea, Denni Riccardo, Pasquale Francesco, Trevisan Luca, Ziccardi Isabella


Anagnostopoulos Aris, Becchetti Luca, Cruciani Emilio, Pasquale Francesco, Rizzo Sara
Biased Opinion Dynamics: When the Devil is in the Details. IJCAI International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence 2020: 53-59

Becchetti Luca, Clementi Andrea, Natale Emanuele
Consensus Dynamics: An Overview. SIGACT NEWS 2020: 58-104

Becchetti L., Clementi A. E., Natale E., Pasquale F., Trevisan L.
Becchetti L., Clementi A., Natale E., Pasquale F., Trevisan L.
Finding a bounded-degree expander inside a dense one. Proceedings of the 2020 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 2020: 1320-1336

Anagnostopoulos A., Becchetti L., Fazzone A., Menghini C., Schwiegelshohn C.
Spectral Relaxations and Fair Densest Subgraphs. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings 2020: 35-44

Becchetti L., Cruciani E., Pasquale F., Rizzo S.
Step-by-step community detection in volume-regular graphs. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 2020: 49-67


Gentili M., Martini L., Petti M., Farina L., Becchetti L.
Biological Random Walks: Integrating heterogeneous data in disease gene prioritization. 2019 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, CIBCB 2019 2019: 1-8

Becchetti Luca, Bury Marc, Cohen-Addad Vincent, Grandoni Fabrizio, Schwiegelshohn Chris Rene
Oblivious Dimension Reduction fork-Means:Beyond Subspaces and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma. STOC '19 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing 2019: 1039-1050

Becchetti L., Clementi A., Natale E., Pasquale F., Posta G.
Self-stabilizing repeated balls-into-bins. DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING 2019: 59-68


Becchetti L., Clementi A., Manurangsi P., Natale E., Pasquale F., Raghavendra P., Trevisan L.
Average whenever you meet: Opportunistic protocols for community detection. 26th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2018) 2018: -

Becchetti Luca, Bonifaci Vincenzo, Natale Emanuele
Pooling or sampling: Collective dynamics for electrical flow estimation. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2018: 1576-1584


Tolosa Gabriel, Feuerstein Esteban, Becchetti Luca, MARCHETTI SPACCAMELA Alberto
Becchetti Luca, Clementi Andrea, Natale Emanuele, Pasquale Francesco, Silvestri Riccardo, Trevisan Luca
Simple dynamics for plurality consensus. DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING 2017: 293-306

Anagnostopoulos Aris, Atassi Reem, Becchetti Luca, Fazzone Adriano, Silvestri Fabrizio
Tour recommendation for groups. DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY 2017: 1157-1188


Becchetti Luca, Clementi A., Natale Emanuele, Pasquale Francesco, Trevisan L.
Stabilizing consensus with many opinions. Proceedings of the Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 2016: 620-635


Anagnostopoulos Aristidis, Becchetti Luca, Bart de Keijzer, Guido Schäfer
Inefficiency of Games with Social Context. THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS 2015: 782-804

Becchetti Luca, A. Clementi, Natale Emanuele, F. Pasquale, Silvestri Riccardo
Plurality consensus in the gossip model. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 2015: 371-390

Becchetti Luca, Andrea Clementi, Emanuele Natale, Francesco Pasquale, Gustavo Posta
Anagnostopoulos Aristidis, Becchetti Luca, Ilaria Bordino, Leonardi Stefano, Ida Mele, Piotr Sankowski
Stochastic Query Covering for Fast Approximate Document Retrieval. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2015: 1-35


Becchetti Luca, Bergamini Lorenzo, Colesanti Ugo Maria, Filipponi Luca, Ginseppe Persiano, Vitaletti Andrea
Becchetti Luca, Andrea E. F. Clementi, Pasquale Francesco, Giovanni Resta, Paolo Santi, Silvestri Riccardo
Flooding time in opportunistic networks under power law and exponential intercontact times. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 2014: 2297-2306

Gabriel Tolosa, Becchetti Luca, Esteban Feuerstein, MARCHETTI SPACCAMELA Alberto
Performance Improvements for Search Systems Using an Integrated Cache of Lists+IntersectionsString Processing and Information Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science String Processing and Information Retrieval 2014: 227-235

Becchetti Luca, Andrea E. F. Clementi, Natale Emanuele, Pasquale Francesco, Silvestri Riccardo, Luca Trevisan
Simple dynamics for Plurality Consensus. SPAA '14 Proceedings of the 26th ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures 2014: 247-256


Anagnostopoulos Aristidis, Becchetti Luca, Bart Keijzer, Guido Schafer
Inefficiency of games with social context. Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceAlgorithmic Game Theory 2013: 219-230

On-Line Algorithms. Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization: Problems and New Approaches 2013: 473-509

Becchetti Luca, Vincenzo Bonifaci, Michael Dirnberger, Andreas Karrenbauer, Kurt Mehlhorn
Physarum can compute shortest paths: Convergence proofs and complexity bounds. Proceedings of the 40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2013 2013: 472-483


Becchetti Luca, Bergamini Lorenzo, Ficarola Francesco, Francesco Salvatore, Vitaletti Andrea
First Experiences with the Implementation and Evaluation of Population Protocols on Physical Devices. Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2012 IEEE International Conference on 2012: 335-342

Becchetti Luca, MARCHETTI SPACCAMELA Alberto, Colesanti Ugo Maria, Vitaletti Andrea
Fully decentralized recommendations in pervasive systems: models and experimental analysis. ENGINEERING INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMMUNICATIONS 2012: -

Anagnostopoulos Aristidis, Becchetti Luca, Carlos Castillo, Aristides Gionis, Leonardi Stefano
Online team formation in social networks. Proceedings of the 21st International World Wide Web Conference 2012 (WWW 2012) 2012: 839-848

Population protocols on real social networks. PE-WASUN '12 Proceedings of the 9th ACM symposium on Performance evaluation of wireless ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks 2012: 17-24

Becchetti Luca, Filipponi Luca, Vitaletti Andrea
Privacy support in people-centric sensing. JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS 2012: 606-621


Bergamini Lorenzo, Becchetti Luca, Vitaletti Andrea
Becchetti Luca, Colesanti Ugo Maria, MARCHETTI SPACCAMELA Alberto, Vitaletti Andrea
Stochastic query covering. Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining 2011: 725-734

Becchetti Luca, Chatzigiannakis Ioannis, Giannakopoulos Y.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma