Da Vinci Talents and the Dynamics of Creativity: discovering the genius inside yourself

Dr. Maria-Isabel Sanchez-Segura, Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department - Carlos III Technical University of Madrid
Data dell'evento:
Thursday, 26 January, 2017 - 16:30 to 18:30
DIAG - Aula Magna
Prof. Fabio Nonino
This workshop is dedicated to talk about creativity with the aim to awake the genius inside yourselves and to find out any recipe to be followed to be more creative in your daily life.
During this workshop:
- We will travel to the Renaissance to discover Da Vinci talents, and see how they apply to any professional in the digital and knowledge era.
- Through a systems thinking and system dynamics approach, we will learn about the dynamics of creativity, which provides the keys to help creativity to emerge also in your scientific and academic careers.