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Seminar of Cyrill Stachniss and Maren Bennewitz

When: March 7, 2011, at 15:00
Where: Aula Magna:

Title: Articulated Models for Mobile Manipulation Tasks
Speaker: Cyrill Stachniss, University of Freiburg
Robots operating in home environments must be able to interact with
articulated objects such as doors or drawers. Ideally, robots are
able to autonomously infer articulation models by observation. In
this talk, we show how to learn kinematic models by inferring the
connectivity of rigid parts and the articulation models for the
corresponding links. Our approach uses a mixture of parameterized
and parameter-free representations and finds low-dimensional manifolds
that provide the best explanation of the observations. We provide an
evaluation of our approach using real data obtained in various
realistic scenarios.
Duration: ~45 min.

Title: Humanoid Robot Navigation in Complex Indoor Environments
Speaker: Maren Bennewitz, University of Freiburg
Recently, humanoid robots have been enjoying great popularity and are
now used as a research tool in many groups worldwide.  One motivation
behind working with humanoids is that these robots are capable of
human-like navigation, i.e., they can climb stairs or move away
objects blocking their way.  Our goal is to enable humanoid robots to
autonomously navigate in complex indoor environments consisting of
multiple levels connected by staircases and containing movable and
articulated objects. In this talk, I give an overview about our work
on 3D environment modeling, localization, path planning, and
navigation with humanoid robots. I present experiments with a Nao
humanoid robot navigating in a two-level environment.
Duration: ~30 min.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Giorgio Grisetti (grisetti@dis.uniroma1.it).


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