DIAG at the top in Automation and Control

For the second year in a row, Sapienza University of Rome has a top placement in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) published in August 2023.
In particular, Sapienza is the first Italian university and the only one in the range of positions 101-150, see https://www.uniroma1.it/en/notizia/sapienza-once-again-first-italy-arwu-2023.
Analyzing the contributions to this excellent result by the scientific areas of our university, the best positioned area is found to be "Automation and Control”:
it is in fact at the 28th place in the world and first in Italy, see https://www.shanghairanking.com/rankings/gras/2022/RS0205.
The other two most successful areas are "Aerospace Engineering" (30th place) and "Physics" (34th place).
"Automation and Control” includes the two engineering fields of Automation and Control Systems and Robotics, which are both exclusively covered by DIAG researchers.
Among the evaluation criteria, there are the number of highly cited researchers according to Clarivate Analytics and the citations in social and technology publications.