Seminario pubblico di Federica Baccini (Procedura valutativa per n.1 posto di Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipologia A - SC 09/H1 SSD ING-INF/05)

Speaker: Federica Baccini
When: 10 Luglio 2023
Where: Aula Magna - DIAG
Title: Analysis of multiple relations in multilayer and higher-order networks
Abstract: This seminar focuses on the extension of the paradigm of classical networks following two main directions: (i) modelling multiple types of interactions among the entities in a system; (ii) modelling higher-order interactions, i.e. simultaneous interactions among more than two entities. Concerning (i), I will present“Similarity Matrix Average” (SMA), a new network integration method that collapses a multiplex similarity network into a single layer (monoplex) in an informative manner. In particular, I will focus on the advantages brought by SMA with respect to the widely adopted Similarity Network Fusion (SNF), and briefly discuss the results obtained with both methods when integrating a real-world multiplex network of cell phenotypes. Regarding (ii), I will discuss the use of weighted simplicial complexes to model higher-order interactions. The question here is whether weighted simplicial complexes allow to reconstruct all the information about the higher-order interactions of a system. The problem is addressed by introducing a specific topological weight assignment to the simplices of a simplicial complex, so that the original information about the higher-order interactions can be fully recovered. In addition, the proposed weight assignment allows to define a normalized Hodge Laplacian, thus permitting to compare diffusion properties of the network at different simplex orders. As an application, I will talk about a possible way of representing higher-order scientific collaborations as weighted simplicial complexes.
Short Bio: Federica Baccini holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, where she has been working under the joint supervision of Prof. Monica Bianchini, from the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics of the University of Siena, and Dr. Filippo Geraci, from the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR, Pisa. During her PhD, she spent six months as a visiting PhD student at Queen Mary University of London, supervised by prof. Ginestra Bianconi. Prior to that, she got her Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at the University of Siena (summa cum laude), defending a thesis with title Network analysis for the Integration of histone modification data to explain haematopoiesis. Her research interests mainly focus on the analysis of multilayer and higher-order networks, with emphasis on their interdisciplinary applications. In particular, most of her work has been concentrated on how to integrate data using multiplex similarity networks and on how to model higher-order relations using weighted simplicial complexes. She is author of articles published in Physical Review E, Journal of Informetrics and Mathematics.