"Using delays for control" by Prof. Emilia Fridman

Il prossimo 7 Marzo 2023, a partire dalle ore 11:00 in Aula Magna, la prof.ssa Emilia Fridman (Tel Aviv University) terrà un seminario sulle sue attività di ricerca sulla progettazione di sistemi di controllo in presenza di ritardi.
L'evento sarà trasmesso su zoom al seguente link
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Abstract. In this talk, ”using delays” refers either to Time-Delay Approaches to control problems (that originally may be free of delays) or intentionally inserting delays in the feedback.
The lecture will start with an old Time-Delay approach to sampled-data control. In application to network-based control with communication constraints, this is the only approach that allows treating transmission delays larger than the sampling intervals.
Then, the talk will continue with ”using artificial delays” via simple Lyapunov functionals that lead to feasible LMIs for small delays and to a simple sampled-data implementation.
Finally, a New Time-Delay approach will be presented - this time to Averaging. The existing results on averaging (developed for about 60 years starting from the works of Bogoliubov and Mitropolsky) are qualitative: the original system is stable for small enough values of the parameter if the averaged system is stable. Our approach provides the first quantitative bounds on the small parameter making averaging- based control (including Vibrational and Extremum Seeking Control) reliable.
Short Bio. Emilia Fridman is Professor of Electrical Engineering Systems at Tel Aviv University, IEEE fellow and member of the IFAC council. She is the incumbent for Chana and Heinrich Manderman Chair on System Control at Tel Aviv University. She was nominated as Highly Cited Researcher by Thomson ISI (2014) and was the recipient of the IFAC Delay Systems Lifetime Achievement Award and of the Kadar Award for outstanding research in Tel Aviv University (2021). She is author/co-author of more than 200 journal papers and two monographs - ”Introduction to Time-Delay Systems: Analysis and Control” (Birkhauser, 2014) and “Networked Control under Communication Constraints: A Time-Delay Approach” (Springer, 2020).