Summer School on Optimization, Big Data and Applications (OBA) 2022

Data dell'evento:
Sunday, 3 July, 2022 - 12:00 to Saturday, 9 July, 2022 - 18:00
Veroli (FR), Italy
Marco Sciandrone (, Giampaolo Liuzzi (
From 3rd to 9th July 2022 the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering (DIAG) of "Sapienza" University of Rome and the Department of Information Engineering (DINFO) of University of Florenze will organize a Summer School on Optimization, Big Data and Applications (OBA)
The OBA Summer School is intended to be an advanced course for Master, PhD students, Postdocs. Participants should have a sound background in optimization and machine learning. The main objective of the School is to provide machine learning models and novel optimization algorithms for big data problems and applications. Lectures will be given by world leading researchers in optimization and machine learning.
The School will be held in Veroli (a beautiful town in central Italy) and the number of participants is limited to 40.
The fee of the School is 150€. The accommodations expenses for six nights in single room are 250€
Main topics of OBA 2022:
Probabilistic Model Construction; Bayesian Optimization; Grey-Box Bayesian Optimization; Bayesian Model Selection and Generalization; Gaussian Processes; Bayesian Deep Learning; Statistical learning; Learning models and tools; Active learning; Training subset selection; The virtue of shallowness; Transparency by design
Important dates
- April 15 2022 - OBA2022 application request deadline
- May 15 2022 - Request acceptance notification
- June 15 2022 - Payment deadline
- June 10 2022 - Award application deadline
Speakers of OBA 2022 are
- Peter I. Frazier, Cornell University
- Claudio Gentile, Google Research
- Alessandro Verri, University of Genova
- Andrew G. Wilson, New York University
Organizers of OBA 2022
- Matteo Lapucci
- Giampaolo Liuzzi
- Fabio Schoen
- Marco Sciandrone
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