PIPER - Intelligent Platform for the Optimization of Recycling Operations

The PIPER (Intelligent Platform for the Optimization of Recycling Operations) project won funding from the Lazio Region under the POR FESR Lazio 2014 - 2020 (Azione1.2.1), Prot. n. A0375-2020-36611.
Activity time range: 15/04/2021 - 15/04/2023
Project leader: Giuseppe Stecca (CNR-IASI) / Laura Palagi (DIAG)
PIPER aims at exploits advanced applied research in the fields of optimization and Artificial Intelligence, and applying them to the problems related to the sustainability of recycling processes, in terms of environmental, social, end economic targets. The project is framed in the "European Green Deal" strategy whose main objective is the "transformation of the European economy for a sustainable future". The output of the project will consist of an intelligent platform developed thanks to the active contribution of stakeholders with the aim to remarkably improve the performances of recycling processes. The system will be released available for stakeholders and for regional communities. It can be used for:
Network design
Economic analysis
The system will leverage modern tools and methods of optimization and artificial intelligence
Link Project website: http://piper.iasi.cnr.it/
Call for proposals: POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020. Public Notice "Progetti Gruppi di Ricerca 2020", link http://www.lazioeuropa.it/bandi/por_fesr_progetti_di_gruppi_di_ricerca_2020-689/
Total investment: € 149,220.33
Grant: € 149,220.33
Grant CNR: € 95,282.42
TOT DIAG: € 53,937.91
Grant No. A0375-2020-36611, CUP B85F21001480002